Quiz 672



1             Where in the supermarket would you see a rooster called Cornelius?

2             In the chorus of Spitting Image’s The Chicken Song what do you stick up your nose?

3             Mr Chicken was the last private resident of which famous building?

4             The Chicken Ranch is about 60 miles west of Las Vegas. What kind of establishment is it?

5             Who were the male & female stars of the 1940 film My Little Chickadee?


6             On sailing vessels what facility is known as the head?

7             Head was a 1968 film derived from a TV series featuring which American pop group?

8             Which former female champion jockey & now sport commentator was Head Girl at her school Downe House in Berkshire?

9             Bridget McClusky was the head teacher of which TV school in the 80s & 90s?

10           Head songs: –

                Hole In The Head 2003; Can’t Get You Out of my Head 2001; Hold Your Head Up 1972; Put Your Head on my Shoulder 1959


11           Which TV and film actor reached space in 2021 at the age of 90?

12           Also the name of a beer what is the name of the ring of light seen round the Sun at an eclipse?

13           What is the name of the synthetic substance invented in 1965 and used particularly in bullet-proof vests?

14           Shingles is caused by the same virus responsible for which childhood disease?

15           Ormolu is a gold-coloured alloy used as a cheap gold substitute – which 3 metals is it made from?


16           “I did not have sex with that woman” – who was Bill Clinton referring to?

17           “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas” was used as a slogan by which charity?

18           Billy Crystal said “Women need a reason to have sex; men just need…….what?”

19           “Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again so is the bicycle repair kit” is a quote by which comedian?

20           Identify the film from the famous line: –

20a        We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.

20b        I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.

20c        A boy’s best friend is his mother.

20d        A martini, Shaken, not stirred.

                General Knowledge

21           Which annually published book was created by Ross & Norris McWhirter?

22           What kind of transport runs on the Japanese shinkansen system?

23           Which knight associated with King Arthur is credited with finding the Holy Grail?

24           Aunt May is the guardian of which comic book character?

25           Who is missing from this list – Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Dibble, Grubb?

26           Loiners live in which northern English city?

27           Used regularly in court & trials which Latin word means “elsewhere”?

28           Rodham was the maiden name of which wife of an American President?

29           What is the airport code for Gatwick?

30           Pick a number between 1 and 30, multiply it by 3, add 6, divide by 3, subtract  your original number – what do you get?


1             Kellogg’s Corn Flakes box

2             Deckchair

3             10 Downing Street

4             Brothel

5             W C Fields & Mae West              

6             Toilet

7             Monkees

8             Clair Balding

9             Grange Hill

10           Sugababes; Kylie Minogue; Argent; Paul Anka 

11           William Shatner

12           Corona

13           Kevlar

14           Chicken Pox

15           Copper, zinc & tin          

16           Monica Lewinsky

17           Dogs Trust

18           A place

19           Billy Connolly

20a        Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

20b        Airplane

20c        Psycho

20d        Goldfinger         

21           Guinness Book of Records

22           High speed trains

23           Galahad

24           Peter Parker – Spider Man

25           Cuthbert

26           Leeds

27           Alibi

28           Hilary Clinton

29           LGW

30           Everybody got 2


Q            Tom Cruise was awarded a Golden Raspberry Award for worst actor for his performance in which film?

A             The Mummy (2017)

Number Guess

Q            When was Lee & Perrins Worcester Sauce first produced?

A             1837

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